The primary objective of PAWS is to offer practical help to Irish Wolfhounds and their owners
This service is provided free of charge by our volunteers. However, there are often costs associated with providing this help; such as the purchase and maintenance of equipment.
If you have any items (stretchers, lifting straps, protective boots, etc) that you would like to donate – or if you wish to dedicate a piece of equipment to a hound past or present - please contact us
If you’d like to contribute towards our costs, or make a donation in memory of a hound, please click on the box below for details
The welfare fund account is for general Irish Wolfhound aid - as outlined in our aims.
Every time you shop online, with one of the 8,000 brands that support easyfundraising, you can raise money for us simply by clicking this link - Practical Aid for Wolfhounds - PAWS
It’s completely free to do and really helps to boost our funds 😊
Polly's PAWS
The Polly's PAWS fund was set up in memory of Pollyanna and was intended to help other hounds who suffer FCE and similar spinal problems, by providing support, advice, equipment and assisting research.
Labels with the above design will be attached to those items dedicated to Polly's memory
The total amount in the fund when PAWS was launched was just over £2,000 and it was agreed that half of this money would be spent on purchasing equipment and half on research into FCE.
Due to circumstances beyond our control, this money is now being held by another wolfhound charity.
However, since the various regional launches proved very successful and thanks to some generous donations, PAWS has been able to allocate a substantial sum to spend on the "practical" aspect, as was initially intended. This will enable us to purchase equipment essential for the care and management of hounds with spinal injury or illness. These items will be dedicated to Polly's memory.
2019 update:
The PAWS Team is pleased to say that following another successful year of fundraising, a further £1,000 was transferred to Polly's PAWS, from our general fund. This means that we have recouped the full amount that was originally donated and intended to benefit hounds suffering from FCE, or similar spinal conditions.
Thanks to the generosity of our supporters, we have already put a considerable amount of this money to good use, to assist with the treatment and rehabilitation of two puppies affected by FCE.