Still Putting His Best Foot Forward!
Fergus’ owner Kim wrote several follow up articles which were published in the Irish Wolfhound Club magazine.
It was good to know that despite being given a dire prognosis in December 2006, when he was not yet 5 years old, Fergus, who had gradually lost the feeling in his legs and thus the ability to walk, made a complete recovery.
Without the support network enjoyed by East Anglian wolfhound owners, Fergus’ story – and his life – could well have ended on Christmas Eve 2006.
These pictures were taken in June 2010, when Fergus was 8 years old and still fit, healthy and active. In fact, he looked and acted much younger than his years and there was no sign that he had ever been so debilitated.
Kim said “Ironically, Fergus is the liveliest (and best moving!) of my three boys, despite being the eldest. He is an adorable eccentric who loves to snuggle up with me in front of the telly in the evening. To think that the first specialist I took him to advised euthanasia just leaves me cold. If there is no definitive diagnosis then how can you be certain the dog won’t recover? He wasn’t ill or in apparent pain; he just couldn’t feel his legs.”
The following year, Kim wrote another update on Fergus as he celebrated his 9th birthday. As each year passed, all who knew him marvelled at how fit he was. It is quite unusual for most 9 year old wolfhounds (let alone one who’d been so incapacitated some four years previously) to be so fit and healthy and not need any medication.
These pictures were taken the day after his 9th birthday
Fergus (Goldswift Snow Storm of Inkleyboys) reached the incredible age of 12 years and 2 months. It is amazing to think that had Kim taken the advice of the first specialist who saw him, Fergus would have missed out on another 7 years and 5 months of happy, healthy and fulfilling life.
These photos from Fergus’ 12th birthday celebration show the affection felt for this remarkable hound and his owner.
Fergus and his sister Wenna (you can read her story HERE) were true inspirations and their lives were a tribute to the power of teamwork, along with the support and friendship that can be generated when facing adversity.
Without this support network, both of these hounds’ lives would have been unnecessarily cut short.
It is the fervent hope of the PAWS team that such hounds should never be faced with the prospect of euthanasia, simply because of their size and the challenges presented by managing an incapacitated giant dog.
The PAWS network aims to live up to this motto:-